Wednesday 14 January 2009


This week I spent a day
with Randolph Anthony
Pinto, aka, Dr. Pinto or
better known as Randy.
They took my weight,
measured my height and
gave me a (beautiful) gown
to put on. They took my tempature, blood pressure and
an EKG. And about a pint of blood.
Then I got poked, probed, pinched, hammered and shot
three times. I also got squeezed (you gals know about
that). I got drilled, splashed and soaked (ask me about
that one)
And when the results came I was pronounced (with
a few modifications) to be HEALTHY and good for
another year. NOT BAD FOR AN OLD GAL.
Just another way of ASSURING ME how very


christine said...
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christine said...

that's great news, grandma. your health is a blessing to all of us. love ya!

Jodi said...

Gotta love Randy....glad to have him taking care of you (and my family as well). Love ya mom!

o charm said...

and how blessed WE are!
we love you!

OnGod'sErrand said...

Not fun, I know. But thanks for taking such good care of yourself. You're amazing. Here's to another great year!