Friday, 8 January 2010


When I got up yesterday
the tempture was
9 degrees below zero
Now that is cold

And what do I like best when its cold?
I love a bowl of home made
hot vegatable soup
Meat, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Celery, Tomatoes
simmered together half the day.
Eat and Enjoy
Warms the cockles of your Heart
Come join me....There is plenty.


OnGod'sErrand said...

Sounds too good to resist! Just needs a good book to go along with it.

Lindsay Van Orden said...

gram, i wanna come!!! i know it's been a couple of weeks, but can i still come and have some? it sounds delicious. :)

ps: i love you dearly. thank you for your sweet thoughts about my... well... my sleepless night. :)