You might be interested
in knowing what
scientist have discovered about why geese
fly in a "V"formation
Fact # 1
It has been learned that as each bird flaps its
wings, it creates a uplift for the bird immediately
following. By flying in a "V" formation, the
whole flock adds at least 75% greater flying range
than if each bird flew on its own.
Basic Truth # 1
People who share a common direction and
sense of
community can get where they are going quicker
and easier because they are traveling on
the thrust of one another.
Fact #2
When ever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly
feels the drag and resistance of trying to go
it alone.
Basic Truth #2
It is easier if we stay in formation with those
who are headed the same way we
are going.
Fact #3
When the lead goose gets tired,
it rotates back in the wing and
another goose flies point.
Basic Truth #3
It pays to take turn doing hard jobs,
leadership can and should be shared.
Fact #4
The geese honk from behind to encourage those
up front to keep their speed.
Basic Truth #4
We need to be very careful what we say when we
honk from behind,
make it positive and encouraging
Fact #5
Finally, when a goose, gets sick or is wounded
and falls out, two geese fall out of
formation and follows the bird down to help
and protect the injured bird.
They stay until the goose is able to fly again
or is dead.
Then they launch out on their own to catch
up with the group.
Basic Truth #5
I'm just glad to be a part of your little flock of geese. We can all make it, if we do it together. Luv U
that's really cool. a great analogy. i'm going to use it in one of my upcoming presentations. thanks for sharing.
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